Michelle, as someone who has not had a drink in three years and feel it has allowed me to become the very best version of myself, I wholeheartedly mean it when I tell you F*CK WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK!
I quit drinking because I felt alcohol was holding me back and this is MY choice. I believe that anyone that truly has an issue with alcohol has an inkling that it's not allowing them to be their best self (like I did), and if you don't feel that, then who cares what other people think.
I have always said that you should NEVER quit for anyone else, and it is part of what we preach in our medium publication, AINYF (Alcohol is NOT Your Friend). The only person you should ever quit for is YOU if that is what you desire.
The only way that people who are overly judgmental can have power over you is if you let them. PLEASE don't let them...do what makes you ULTIMATELY happy because that's really only what life is about when you boil it down to its most simple purpose, IMO.
Do YOU and be happy...